After the first test location pictures, we now have more, this time from The Korn of WebWideVideo and taken with natural lighting conditions.

Once again we'll start with the upper half of the playfield.

The top half of the playfield
The top half of the playfield

The pop bumper design appears to relate to the UFOs which beam up the nearby cow in a related bonus mode.

The cow over the rollover lanes
The cow over the rollover lanes

Unfortunately the shape of the texture beneath the cow does make it look like the creature got a little scared by the UFOs.

The Big Buck track
The Big Buck track

The buck from the game's title moves along its track and stops in front of one of the lit cartridge shells (we're no hunting experts here, but do you use a shotgun on a buck?) and if you hit the buck with the ball, it lights that cartridge and moves the buck to another unlit one, or back to its hiding place behind the hide if you run out of time.

The Big Buck
The buck stops here!

The buck sits behind the hide when not in play. On this test machine the hide is pretty rough-looking but will doubtless look more presentable in the production version.

The hide
The hide

In its home position, it blocks the super jackpot lane behind it.

The super jackpot lane
The super jackpot lane

The buck is moved across the playfield by a long screw drive - much like the Mist ball in Dracula. 

The buck track
The buck track

You can see part of the thread through the groove in the picture below.

The drive thread
The drive thread

Over on the left are three green standups which award a mystery prize when completed.

Pappy's Place
Pappy's Place

Above Pappy's Place are the left orbit and the left ramp.  The latter starts Moose On The Loose when shot enough times, like On Fire in NBA.

The Moose ramp
The Moose ramp

As we saw earlier, shooting the ram starts double scoring, acting like a vari-target but also kicking the ball back at the flippers.

The ram lane
The ram lane

Next to the ram lane is the bird lane, which has an up-post to stop the ball when a feature begins.

The bird lane
The bird lane

Each of the four birds has its own multiball which, when combined with Big Buck multiball and another multiball from the elk gives this game a lot of multiball possibilities.

We mentioned one of the bonus rounds earlier.  To start one of these features, you need to shoot the right orbit.

The right orbit
The right orbit

Below the right orbit entrance is the elk, standing on its moveable diverter which sends balls back into the shooter lane when activated.

The elk
The elk

The elk diverter open
The elk diverter open

That shooter lane is covered by a plastic bearing the name of the machine - well, apart from the "Pro" bit - on an image of the arcade video game's gun.

The shooter lane
The shooter lane

Next to the shooter lane are the right inlanes & outlane. 

The right inlanes and outlane
The right inlanes and outlane

Two inlanes on the right, one on the left which spell out E-L-K to light the elk feature.

The left inlane and outlane
The left inlane and outlane

Almost finally, here are the instructions, which reveal a game with lots of features which all seem easily accessible to the novice player. 

The Big Buck Hunter Pro instruction card
The Big Buck Hunter Pro instruction card

Whether the game has the same level of depth we'll see shortly.

Last of all, here are a couple of display frames shot during this visit to the test location.

We'll be back with much more about Stern's new Big Buck Hunter Pro very soon here at Pinball News.

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