Story updated 26th April 2001.

Stern has announced the numbers of visitors to its new website.

As reported by Pinball News, Stern redesigned the old Sega Pinball site back in July 2000 bringing together new game information, service bulletins, ROM images and magazine articles.

In the first 89 days of operation, the site recorded a total of 23,573 visits with each visitor viewing an average of 8 pages from the site making an overall total of 193,461 pages viewed.

That equates to an average of 265 visitors per day coming from not only the United States, but also Finland, The Netherlands, Germany and Australia.



Stern's website scored a total of 98,813 hits in its first 180 days (averaging about 550 per day). In the last three months the number of visitors rose to 836 per day with between 2 and 5 pages viewed per visit.

These types of statistics are always rather hazy in their interpretation. For instance, what qualifies as a unique visitor (if you visit Stern's site, visit Pinball News and then return to Stern, are you a new visitor or not?) and what is the definition of a "hit" (Does every visit to the front menu count as a hit?).

While it appears there are significantly more visitors now than there were the site's launch, the number of pages viewed per visit has dropped - presumably as people become more familiar with the site - and so the total number of pages viewed has fallen.



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