void setup () // This command sets up the Arduino software { // This bracket marks the start of set up pinMode (13, OUTPUT); // Initializes Arduino pin 13 as an output and happens to be the same as the Arduino board's onboard LED pinMode (A0, INPUT); // Initializes analog pin "A0" as an input for the sensor module } // This bracket marks the end of set up void loop () // Runs the Arduino software in a never ending loop { // This bracket marks the start of the loop if (digitalRead (A0) == LOW) // If a pinball is detected, do one of the following two things { // This bracket marks the start of the "if" statement - The first thing digitalWrite (13, HIGH); // If a pinball is detected, turn the onboard LED ON } // This bracket marks the end of the "if" statement else // If a pinball is not detected, keep the onboard LED OFF { // This bracket marks the start of the "else" statement - The second thing digitalWrite (13, LOW); // This command keeps the onboard LED off } // This bracket marks the end of the "else" statement } // This bracket marks the end of the loop