Location: Musée Mécanique, Shed A, Pier 45 at the end of Taylor Street, Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco, California, 94133, USA.

It's been nearly five years since we last looked at Musée Mécanique in San Francisco, so a return visit is long overdue. Fortunately, John, our roving reporter, called in recently to bring us up-to-date with the museum's exhibits.

In September 2012, we visited the San Francisco as the first stop of our trip to USA.

My wife and I took a cable car to the Fisherman's Wharf on the morning of our 2nd day in the city.

One of the famous San Francisco cable cars
One of the famous San Francisco cable cars

Tickets for the cable car to...
Tickets for the cable car to...

...Fisherman's Wharf
...Fisherman's Wharf

After reaching Fisherman's Wharf, it took us another 10 minutes to get to the Musée Mécanique.

The Musee Mechanique
The Musée Mécanique

When we entered the museum soon after they opened at 10am, there were only few guests there.  

It had total of six pinballs, with the most interesting ones being Olympics, Sing Along and Hyperball.   The former two were vintage pinballs I had never seen before. 

Olympics by Gottlieb
Olympics by Gottlieb

Olympics' playfield
Olympics' playfield

Surprisingly, they were still playable, especially the Sing Along which looked in very good condition. It was difficult to believe that it was already 45 years old.   

Gottlieb's Sing Along
Gottlieb's Sing Along

Sing Along's playfield
Sing Along's playfield

The Hyperball was very special; it seemed to be a combination of pinball and Japanese Pachinko. 

Williams' Hyperball
Williams' Hyperball

Bally's The Addams Family
Bally's The Addams Family

Apart from pinballs, there were many amazing vintage mechanical games and some were beyond our imaginations. Here is a selection of them.

I was excited and exchanged as many coins as I could.  We had stayed in the museum for more than two hours until I was pulled out from the museum by my ‘lovely’ wife.

Accidentally, I found submarine and warship exhibits outside the museum.  However, I did not have any spare time to visit them on this trip.

After leaving the museum, we had our crab lunch in a nearby restaurant.

The venue for lunch
The venue for lunch

The meal tasted good although - again - we could not stay there too long.

It's lunchtime
It's lunchtime

Pinballs at the Musée Mécanique:

  • Pirates of the Caribbean
  • Indiana Jones - The Pinball Adventure
  • The Addams Family
  • Olympics
  • Sing Along
  • Hyperball

Comments: Working conditions were all good.

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